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I pray my writing encourages, inspires, and fills you with hope to begin, or keep walking, every day with Jesus our Savior. He has given and continually gives us everything we need to live joyfully in this life, and in eternity with Him in heaven. I hope to be your friend along the way.

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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Life of a Writer

A friend of mine suggested bookstore readers might be interested in what I do all day. Movies make freelance writing look pretty glamorous, but the fact is writing is a job that requires discipline and tenacity. Reading and research is part of my work, so is blogging, speaking, and writing every day. It doesn’t pay much, but it’s my chosen career.

Often people ask, “Do you work?”

“Yes, I’m a freelance writer.”

“Oh,” they say, “do you think you’ll eventually get a job?” Others respond, “I’m a writer too. People think I should write my life story. How do I get it published?” And the completely clueless, “I don’t know how you do it. I could never stay at home and just sit around all day.”

Many Christian writers consider their work a calling as well as a gift. My first writing memory is scribbling out a poem called “The Wind” after watching the trees in my grandma's backyard. In fifth grade I learned the power of words to reach people’s hearts for God.

I stood by my teacher as she read my original song in her Christmas card:

He Was Born
He was born in a stable,
to save He was willing and able,
to die on the cross for our sin,
because we need cleansing within.
And that's why He came to this earth,
to be born by a regular birth.
To be born like a man,
to live like a man,
and to suffer like a man on earth.

She looked at me, her fake eyelashes coming unglued, and pulled me to her. I was hooked. I knew I wanted to do that for the rest of my life.

After college, I got a full time job and wrote every evening after dinner from 8:00-10:00. A year or so later, I began to write full time. The next year my husband and I did volunteer work in New York and I wrote at odd times, finishing my first book and jotting thoughts for future publication. I was five months pregnant when we settled in Oregon.

While our children were little I wrote articles, Bible studies, and a monthly newsletter during naps, and whenever I could carve out time. During the ten years I homeschooled, I wrote after class from 3:00-5:00, and published two devotionals for homeschool teachers.  

I went through an unexpected divorce when my youngest reached high school, and worked outside the home for several years. Even then, I couldn’t stop writing; it was always on my mind.

Now that I’m remarried, I’m enjoying my chosen career. In the morning I spend 1-2 hours in the Word. Then I’m off to exercise, run errands, work in the yard or other household chores. By one o’clock I’m at my computer – working on my current book, blogs, research, teaching material, and short pieces for publication. I wrap up the day with an hour of reading – to learn and be refreshed.

I’m doing the job I love for the God I love, to bring others into the kingdom of God’s love and forgiveness.



  1. I just read this post and loved it! Again, it stirred my heart....I so much want to take the time to do the job I have grown to love....writing! I hope I am making the steps to make this happen. I really want to have more time to write. Please pray I can be wise and deal with the distractions that so easily come to me.

    1. I will be praying Debby. That is our worst enemy - the distraction of good things. It takes constant prayer to determine what are God's priorities for each day and what just seems like a good idea. There are so many ministries and people who need our time and attention. Only God's wisdom can help us choose what is best.
